Author: newsupdatetimes

Lahore (Muhammad Yasir) The IBA Karachi has decided to replace all its scheduled admission tests for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs with Alternative Assessment Criteria due to the spread of Covid-19. Admission tests scheduled for July 19 and July 26, 2020 for MBA Executive, all MS & PhD Programs, BS Computer Science, BS Economics & Mathematics and MS Data Science programs will not take place. Candidates will be shortlisted for interviews based on the criteria outlined by the Admissions Committee. Announcing these policy changes, Executive Director IBA Dr. S Akbar Zaidi said that the IBA Karachi has successfully adapted to…

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Lahore (Muhammad Yasir)  PepsiCo Pakistan has announced a virtual internship program for 300 graduates of the PepsiCo-Amal Youth program. The ‘Roshan Kal’ internship aims to provide experiential learning, industry exposure and an insider perspective to young university graduates. It is significant to note that 50 percent of the participants in the program will be women.   ‘Roshan Kal’ virtual internship program will provide mentorship, guidance and a platform for the interns to put the life skills they have acquired, into action. The program is designed to be a digitalized interactive, engaging and immersive experience. It will focus on bringing out the interns’…

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Director General, WHO recognises Pakistan’s response to COVID-19 Federal Minister Shafqat Mahmood & HE Omar Bin Sultan Al Olama of UAE, Minister for Artificial Intelligence amongst 60 international thought leaders Lahore (Muhammad Yasir)  Beaconhouse launched its first fully virtual School of Tomorrow (SOT) Conference: A World of Tomorrow: Negotiating a Better Future with a special video message from the Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “It’s an honour to join the opening session of the School of Tomorrow Conference. I want to recognise the Government of Pakistan for its comprehensive response to COVID-19,” Dr Ghebreyesus…

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Economic analysis reveals the impact on Pakistan’s employment and confidence ACCA’s Q2 Global Economic Conditions Survey (GECS) published today, reflects the scale of the global recession now under way. Globally, employment indices plummeted to record lows in the latest survey, consistent with the most severe recession in decades. Pakistan is heading for economic contraction this year as pandemic mitigation measures hurt domestic demand and global recession hits exports. There is also a massive hike in unemployment – the Employment Index stands at -86.95 compared to 57.14 in Q1 and confidence is at an all-time low in Q2 at -78.26 compared…

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My life would have been so much better if I was not single. For me, and for so many other young guys of my age, Covid-19 is just another reminder that we’re very lonely… While married couples are having all the romance, the single guys are spending their time watching Ertuğrul – yes the same drama which previously had gone unnoticed some six years ago when a Pakistani TV channel had aired it on TV – but now boys have so much time that we’re ready to consume anything and everything!!! Our parents shouldn’t be okay seeing their kids spending…

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Beaconhouse launches its first fully virtual SOT Conference with Over 60 international thought leaders in 21 live sessions on July 10-12 Lahore (Muhammad Yasir)  Beaconhouse is launching its first fully virtual School of Tomorrow (SOT) Conference: A World of Tomorrow: Negotiating a Better Future on July 10-12, 2020, made possible by the generous support of lead sponsor UBL. Targeting a global audience of over 500,000 people, the SOT seeks to understand how Covid-19 is shaping important global conversations about safer and more balanced futures, as well as pushing educators to reimagine the future of education at both school and university…

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ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and Institute of Cost Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan) have now joined forces by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly train the public sector professionals in Pakistan on IPSAS®, the international accrual-based accounting standards, to enhance the quality, consistency and transparency of public sector financial reporting in Pakistan and help rebuild the public trust. The announcement was made at a Virtual MoU signing ceremony on the theme ‘’The Importance of Strengthening of Public Sector Institutions’. The ceremony was attended by senior members of both the professional bodies, as well as…

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Lahore (Muhammad Yasir) Through the medium of a remote virtual event, Huawei Pakistan and the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK) formalized their Industry-academia partnership. Both parties took part in an official signing ceremony, with the event solidifying the creation of a four year BS degree in Artificial Intelligence partnered by Huawei. The program is the first such partnership and serves as a milestone in an already successful four-year-long partnership that started with the establishment of the Huawei ICT Academy at GIK in 2016. GIK is known throughout the country as a prestigious institution for studies…

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Lahore (Muhammad Yasir) The IBA Karachi is pleased to announce the launch of Master of Science in Data Science program commencing in August 2020, which comprises of 4 semesters with a total of 30 credit hours. The MS leading to the PhD program will allow the students to opt for a thesis alongside their course work.  The program designed by the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) is aimed to facilitate students with non-Computer Science background as well and foundation level courses will be offered to enable students to come at par with their peers.  The academic rigour coupled with experiential…

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Lahore (Muhammad Yasir)  NUST SDN Project Kickoff event was focused on technology-based advancement specifically in Software Defined Network (SDN) project deployment in National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Pakistan which will be started officially from 2nd Week of July powered by Huawei. The main goal is to deliver digital transformation in Education Sector of Pakistan. NUST is first university of Pakistan to opt for SDN solution both for datacenter and campus networks. NUST SDN project was adopted through a comprehensive evaluation criteria and detailed technical working of NUST. Key features of the solution include but not limited to high…

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