Ajoka Executive Director Shahid Nadeem’s 15 Punjabi plays have been published in Gurmukhi in India. The plays have been transliterated in Gurmukhi Punjabi by Punjabi scholar Arvinder Dhaliwal and published Chetna Publishers, Ludhiana. The plays include Barri, Jhalli, Bulha, Aik thee Naanu, Dukh Darya and Anhi Mai da Sufna. Arvinder Dhaliwal, who is married to Kewal Dhaliwal, Punjabi theatre Director and founder of Manch Rangmanch theatre group. She has transliterated and translated several plays by Shahid Nadeem which are widely performed in Indian Punjab.
Ajoka documentary at Indus Valley Festival
Ajoka ‘s acclaimed documentary on Lahore Museum, “ Pakistan’s Best-kept Secret” was screened at the Indus Valley International Film Festival organised by South Asian Forum for Arts and Creative Heritage. The festival, curated by Harsh Narayan, screened films from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Iran besides Pakistan. The online screening of Ajoka’s documentary on 4 August was followed by a questions and answers session by director of the film Shahid Nadeem. The documentary, co-produced with UK- based Samosa Media, is based on a conversation between Samosa’s Anwar Akhtar, Lahore Museum director Sumaira Samad and Ajoka’s Shahid Nadeem while visiting the historic Lahore Museum. The film was jointly premiered last year at Birkbeck University London and Institute for Art and Culture, Lahore. It has been screened at various British educational institutions and its Facebook viewership has passed the 2 million mark.