Lahore (Muhammad Yasir) Zong 4G, Pakistan’s top provider of cellular and digital services, has brought a special offer that addresses the changing communication needs of the people of Bannu. The offer is yet another testament to Zong’s relentless focus on customer-centricity. Under the Bannu special offer, Zong customers can enjoy 150 All Net Minutes and 6,000 MB Data for the whole week with a recharge of PKR 230 only. To avail the offer or get more information, users can dial *2222# or contact their nearest retailer or Zong franchise. The offer can also be subscribed using My Zong App. Those using other networks can easily switch to Zong by calling the helpline 0314-3334455 or contacting the nearest retailer or Zong franchise. “Customers are the heart and soul of everything we do at Zong,” shared Zong’s official spokesperson. “We have a keen eye for the evolving customer needs and are focused on providing unmatched experience. Serving Pakistanis across the length and breadth of the country is our passion and special offers designed specifically around the needs of different cities are a step in that direction.” Zong 4G is leading the country’s digital transformation and has also led the industry in terms of serving the customers in innovative ways. The company was the first to bring 4G to Pakistan, test 5G in Pakistan, and make the country’s first ever international 5G call. Zong recently won 5 out of 7 awards in OpenSignal’s recent Mobile Network Experience report.