Third shipment of cargo for Nashpa field arrives

LAHORE  – Third shipment of cargo for the Nashpa field has arrived from China at the Karachi Port Trust.
A spokesman the contracting firm for the Nashpa field has said that the cargo includes equipment including LPG bullets, structure material and pipes for the project.
He said the OGDCL had awarded in last quarter of the year a contract to a Chinese firm HBP for installation, construction and commissioning of 98 MMSCFD gas processing, LPG recovery, plant and allied facilities.
The OGDCL is expanding the Nashpa field by setting up a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) plant to meet the growing energy demand in the country.   
The Nashpa and Mela gas fields are located in Karak district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the objective of the project is to construct a gas processing facility at Nashpa to process raw gas of the locality and separator gas from the Mela field.
The project covers wellhead facilities, gas gathering system (excluding flow lines) and gas processing plant (including LPG recovery plant). The gas processing plant is intended to normally process 98 MMSCFD with a design margin of 10 %, the spokesman added.
The Contractor’s spokesman said the project has created hundreds of jobs for locals in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He said the project work is in full swing and the project is likely to be completed by the middle of 2017.
He said it is the biggest LPG plant in the country and would be a major source of income for the people of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.