Lahore (Muhammad Yasir) The coronavirus pandemic has caused massive upheaval across the world. We see a spike in the number of deaths each day. The spread of virus hasn’t just threatened our health and safety systems but it has started to impact economies hugely. As businesses around the world take a hit, things are not easy for many. In such times, steady and compassionate leadership is required.
A splendid example of which we saw from the CEO of Depilex Salon Ms.Masarrat Misbah. She put out a wonderful statement for her clients, followers & colleagues, in which she stressed that we have to be extremely cautious in this situation and behave in a way this grave situation demands.
“We as a nation are under the biggest test ever witnessed. We are under immense duress and this is the time to come together and show a united front to control & overcome this pandemic we face. We have to be extremely cautious and impart guidance to all who require,” she said.
She also urged everyone to be careful and act as a responsible citizens. This crisis is bigger than we have ever faced and it can only be fought off it people follow the guidelines put out by experts.
“Each positive word counts and every well thought out plan stands to be heard. I request you all to act responsibly, be vigilant and play your part in helping those who might need your support at this difficult time,” CEO of the Depilex said in a heart touching appeal.
At a time of calamity, societies look towards people of wisdom to show them the direction. With this statement, she has delivered a message of hope but also reminded all of us that where we go from here, is entirely in our own hands.