No doubt, COVID-19 has changed our daily routine, buying behavior, and demand for services we need. We are advised to stay at home, buy online, and make cashless and contactless transactions. Unfortunately, many people have lost their jobs, various businesses have shut down. This has resulted in a fall in income level and purchasing power. At the same time, people need grocery items to survive and more electronic products to fulfill their daily needs and perform official tasks, but the majority don’t afford the full prices.
Considering this situation, many large and small companies have stepped out to assist in a difficult time offering discounts, membership, subscription deals on their products and services. Similarly, brands are offering heavy discounts because of the pandemic. These measures are helping to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and generate business activity that ultimately leads to the welfare of the entire society.
Following other businesses, being an e-commerce retailer, Qmart, a large online platform of electronic products is also offering special discounts on electronic gadgets during COVID-19 in Pakistan. The main objective behind these special offers is to facilitate customers by making electronic products affordable for them. In this way, it is helping people to work remotely, stay safe and healthy during a difficult time. It is pertinent to mention that the discount is for new items not for the used one. The rate of discount varies within types of products and brands. The discount is higher for small items.
The shop is also offering considerable discount even for top brands. 21% discount is available for foldable Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 256GB. and Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max. However, the rate of discount is comparatively small for most expensive brands like a 3-7 % discount on iPhones with different features and other items manufactured by Apple and Samsung. The shop has reported that after offering discounts, the number of online orders for electronic items has sharply increased. This indicated that people are highly concerned with discounts and they prefer to buy quality electronic items on special discounts, especially during hard times.
In a nutshell, COVID-19 affected everyone in the world. It is responsible for business losses and unemployment in job marketing leaving the people with less personal income. To handle this situation, businesses e-commerce businesses started offering discounts and sales on various products they offer and observed a rise in demand for grocery and electronic products. It is because grocery fulfilled their daily needs and electronic products helped them to complete official tasks while staying at home. This helps us to understand that discounts have not only increased the number of online orders but also raised business activity and contributed to the welfare of society at all.