Ajoka Theatre will hold an online memorial to remember theatre icon and Ajoka founder Madeeha Gauhar on her second death anniversary on 25th April. Due to lockdown and Corona threat, the meeting will be held on online Zoom platform. The meeting will be attended by Ajoka’s Executive Director and Madeeha’s husband Shahid Nadeem, Ajoka Institute Director and Madeeha’s son Nirvaan Nadeem, Ajoka chairperson Zara Salman, General Secretary Sohail Warraich snd Ajoka’s key members. Tributes will be paid Madeeha and her contribution to Pakistani theatre and peace acknowledged including sufi music. A short documentary on Madeeha’s life will also be launched on Ajoka’s Youtube channel. The proceeding of the meeting will also be aired on Facebook and Instagram.
Ajoka to mark Madeeha Gauhar’s 2nd death anniversary
We at Ajoka are shocked beyond belief and deeply grieved at the passing away of Usha Ganguli, veteran Indian theatre director. We had just invited her to join us for an online reference for her soulmate Madeeha Gauhar. It is a great loss for theatre and peace makers in South Asia.